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Monday, October 11, 2010


  • induction is used primarily to fill the need of motors using a single phase motor for efficiency reasons. So rather than having to modify three phase motors to run in single phase, the motor is instead changed to single.

A start capacitor is connected in series with the start winding of the CSIR motor to provide a larger phase shift when voltage is first applied to the motor. The increased phase shift causes a stronger magnetic field to pull on the rotor to cause it to begin to spin.

The start capacitor can provide large amounts of capacitance for a short period of time, such as during starting. After the motor is started, the capacitor must be removed from the circuit so that it won't overheat. This is accomplished with the end switch. The electrical diagram in this figure shows the capacitor connected in series with the start winding. When voltage is first applied to the motor, both the start winding and the run winding will be energized. When the rotor reaches nearly full rpm, the end switch will open and disconnect the start winding and capacitor from the circuit. That is, no current will flow through either the start winding or the capacitor and they can cool down and be ready for the next time the motor is started. When the motor is de-energized and the rotor slows to a stop, the end switch is closed again and the start winding and capacitor are reconnected to the circuit for the next start.
Since the start capacitor is physically mounted on top of the motor, a metal cover is placed over it to protect it from damage. Since the capacitor’s case is made of plastic, it can easily be cracked and damaged if the motor is used in a harsh industrial environment.


CSCR and CSIR controls both start a motor the same way-with a “start capacitor” that shifts the motor’s electrical phase slightly, creating starting torque. As the motor approaches running speed (in about 1/3 second), a relay in the control opens, removing the start capacitor from the circuit. Here’s where the controls differ.

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